Search Result Records matching your request : 76      showing : 41 to 50
Location Date Summary Notice Type Deadline
Austria 23-May-2023 Strengthening Diagnosis, Surveillance, And Control Of Emerging Transboundary Animal And Zoonotic Diseases With Emphasis On African Swine Fever And Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Project N/A
Senegal 09-Dec-2021 Agro-ecological Project For The Resilience Of Apac Low Communities To The Impacts Of Covid-19 Project N/A
Senegal 19-Nov-2021 Project To Produce Videos For The Transmission Of Traditional Medical Knowledge-covid-19 Response From Apac Kollou Ndig From Djilor Djidiack Project N/A
Sweden 11-Feb-2022 Sensyo Pharmatech Factory Project N/A
Kenya 29-Oct-2022 Emergency Family Relief Food And Nutrition Support Project N/A
Burkina faso 30-Sep-2023 Exceptional Project To Support Ecowas Low Income Members Countries And Strengthening The Health Systems Of The Gambia, Mali And Niger To Combat The Covid-19 Pandemic - Mali Component Project N/A
Greece 29-Jul-2023 Spectacolo - Improvement Of Vet Offer For Theatre Professions Project N/A
Senegal 25-Aug-2022 Responses To Covid-19 Through Social Protection And The Strengthening Of Local Food Systems: Case Of The Niayes In Senegal (covid19-afs) Project N/A
Senegal 16-Feb-2022 Apac Kawawana Community Income Improvement Project, In Response To Covid-19 Project N/A
Niger 22-Jan-2022 Improvement Of The Living Conditions Of The Populations At The Apac Nahouta Peulh Level In The Context Of Covid19 Urban Commune Of Tessaoua Region Of Maradi Project N/A
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