Search Result Records matching your request : 27      showing : 1 to 10
Location Date Summary Notice Type Deadline
United kingdom 03-Sep-2020 Supporting Inclusive Growth In Somalia sigs Project N/A
Austria 18-May-2022 Greening Hurghada Project N/A
Somalia 21-Jul-2022 Somalia: Somalia Covid-19 Emergency Vaccination Project Project N/A
United states 23-Jul-2022 Ohada Strengthening Credit Infrastructure Project Project N/A
Austria 02-Dec-2022 Greening The Tourism Industry In Hurghada, Egypt Project N/A
Mali 09-Dec-2022 Mali: Bamako Engine Of Inclusive & Resilient Growth Project N/A
Nigeria 20-Dec-2022 Wcs Crisis Response Zenith Bank Project N/A
Somalia 06-Jan-2023 Covid19 Somalia Telecom Infrastructure Expansion Project N/A
Cote divoire 31-Jan-2023 Cote D~ivoire: Cote D~ivoire Jobs And Economic Transformation Project N/A
Seychelles 02-Feb-2023 Seychelles - Governance And Economic Reforms Support Program (gersp) - Phase Ii Project N/A
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