Kenya falls under eastern part of the African continent. It has a population estimated at 45.5 million, which increases by one million a year.
Kenya has the potential to be one of Africa’s great success stories from its growing and youthful population, a dynamic private sector, a new constitution and its pivotal role in East Africa.
The government of Kenya is generally investment friendly and has enacted several regulatory reforms to simplify both foreign and local investment, including the creation of an export processing zone. The export processing zone is expected to grow rapidly through input of foreign direct investment.
Kenya has got good importance in last decade. According to Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, the economy grew by an estimated 4.9% in the first quarter of 2015, compared to 4.7% in the same period in 2014. The economy has seen good growth and development due to government policies and foreign direct investment.
Industries like agriculture, construction, real estate, small scale manufacturing companies, tourism, and IT sector has seen great growth in Kenya. The economy has grown by 6% in 2015, supported by lower energy costs, investment in infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing and other industries. A stable macroeconomic environment, continued investment in infrastructure, improved business environment, exports and regional integration will help sustain the growth momentum.

With the increased competitiveness of the manufacturing sector which will be a key driver of growth, exports and job creation, Kenya is emerging as one of Africa’s key growth centers and is also poised to become one of the fastest growing economies in East Africa.
Kenya is said to be next hub for IT and food industry in Africa.
Social Development in Kenya: Kenya has met a few of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets, including reduced child mortality, near universal primary school enrolment and narrower gender gaps in education.
With support of the World Bank Group (WBG), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other development partners, Kenya has made significant structural and economic reforms that have contributed to sustained economic growth in the past decade. Government efforts are seen through a variety of tenders floated online on Africagateway for different sectors in Kenya.