Kenya Petroleum Technical Assistance Project (KEPTAP)

Kenya Petroleum Technical Assistance Project (KEPTAP) is a World Bank funded initiative to assist the government of Kenya in building capacity to manage its petroleum sector and wealth for sustainable development impacts.

Project Description: 

KEPTAP has four components namely:

[A] Petroleum Sector – Reforms and Capacity Building;

[B] Revenue and Investment Management – Reforms and Capacity Building;

[C] Sustainable Impact of Oil and Gas Industry – Reforms and

[D] Capacity Building; and Project Management.

 Kenya Petroleum Project

Project Approach:

At a policy level, the Project would support
the drafting of a comprehensive Petroleum Policy outlining a vision and policy for the petroleum sector.Also, through this Component the Project would provide technical assistance to develop a
Petroleum Master Plan that considers strategic options and decision hierarchies for policies and investments in the Project Area on a sound economic basis.

At the regulatory level, the Project would support the implementation of a comprehensive, clear and workable regulatory framework for the development of Kenya’s petroleum resources. At the same time, the Project would support the implementation of institutional reforms including the identification and division of roles, establishment of new institutions if needed and capacity building for relevant institutions.

At the transaction level, the Project would also support capacity building for negotiation of petroleum deals. Also, through this Project, GoK would hire and contract consultants for the provision
of transaction advisory services. The Project would also support the acquisition, interpretation and promotion of geodata in the Project Area and capacity building related to petroleum cadastre
database of the Project Area.

The Project would also provide technical assistance to manage the impacts from the petroleum sector including the implementation of health & safety reforms, implementation of environmental
and social reforms and development of a framework for oil spill preparedness and response capacity.

Project Location: Kenya

Project value: 50.00 million $

Project End Date: 28 Feb 2021

For more details on the project follow the below link



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