The Aviation industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the economy of Kenya. The Aviation sector contributes 24.8billion to the Kenyan economy. Over the years improved connectivity has helped the Kenyan economy to grow. The Kenyan government is taking some strategic measures o further enhance the Aviation sector.
Kenya Airport Authority has announced Aviation Modernization Project to improve security and service provision at the International airport and to meet International standards to enhance public oversight capabilities for the aviation sector in Kenya.

Project Details:
Project Location: Kenya
Project Phase: Pipeline/ Planning
Project Value: US$ 285.00 million
Project End: 31 Dec 2020
Project Description:
International class gateways to the global economy are critical for the Kenya’s development, as they have become growth centers. There have been some major improvements with respect to the availability of airfreight services, passenger terminal facilities, and rehabilitation of the runway at JKIA. The project will include the tentative components of which GoK has requested IBRD financing for component A while IDA for components B, C and D.
The following are the components of the project.
Component A: Improve the Passenger Terminal Capacity at JKIA and Institutional Strengthening by
A) Design and Implementation of Modernization Terminals
B) Capacity building and training of manpower
C) Update the national airport master plan and strategic environment management plan
D) Technical assistance towards internal structural reorganization of KAA and strengthening institutional capacity
Component B: Enhance Security at major Airports under KAA( Kenya Airport Authority)
a) Design and install an integrated system to enhance security at major airports
b) Support to KAA training school.
Component C: Strengthen the Aviation Oversight capacity
a) Enhance management in formation systems by augmenting ICT infrastructure and install modern Data centers
b) Installation of communication equipment to integrate operations
c) Upgrade the Local
Air transport lies at the heart of the global business and tourism. Air transport both for business and leisure contribute to a larger extent to the Kenyan economy. Air transport modernization project is one of the major initiative by the Airport authority to modernize the existing Airport terminals and enhance security for safe air transport.
For more detail on Aviation project, kindly visit